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Old Schiedam

At distillery ‘De Gekroonde Brandersketel’ in the Jenevermuseum we distill malt wine in the traditional way. We do this according to 17th century ‘Oud-Hollandsche Methode’. We use first-class barley malt and rye, which is milled (as in the old days) in a Schiedam distillery mill. A triple distillation produces a malt wine with a refined aroma. This 100% malt wine is aged for a minimum of three years. This is how our Old Schiedam malt wine gin is created.

Nationaal Jenevermuseum Schiedam
Lange Haven 74
3111 CH Schiedam

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Havenkerk Schiedam
Lange Haven 72

3111 CH Schiedam

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van 13:00 t/m 20:00 uur

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van 13:00 t/m 19:00 uur