Distillery the Branding
At distillery De Branding, we revive the original craft of distilling. Artisanally and with natural ingredients, we produce various types of rums and other spirits. In doing so, we always strive for an original taste experience.
Our name refers to the then wave pool De Branding in Doorwerth. High on the moraine, it was built in 1934. In 1950, the swimming amusement park was expanded to include a restaurant and a hotel. Forward-thinking entrepreneurship in a unique place.
We provide workshops and courses for all distilling enthusiasts.
A workshop will tell you all about the how and what of rum distilling. We have several workshop kettles where participants will distill their own and get to take home the homemade rum.
Stokerij de Branding
Cardanuslaan 19M
6865 HJ Doorwerth
+031 (0)85 06 04 884