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Brewery Stokerij Texel

Brewery Stokerij Texel was created in 2015 with the idea of distilling our own beverage from residual farm products, as farmers used to do. What started with a small distillery in the back of the potato shed has now grown into a full-fledged company where owner Kees, daughter Inge and the TX team work hard every day to make (h)honest drinks and beers from as many local ingredients as possible.

Brewery Stokerij Texel
Slotskolk 22C
1794 BG, Oosterend – Texel
+31 0222 760150

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Havenkerk Schiedam
Lange Haven 72

3111 CH Schiedam

Openingstijden zaterdag:

van 13:00 t/m 20:00 uur

Openingstijden zondag:

van 13:00 t/m 19:00 uur